San Diego, California Self Storage Insurance

Self Storage Operators coverage
Standard policy features
A few of the standard property coverages include:
- Buildings and Business Personal Property covered on a replacement cost basis, subject to certain limitations
- Debris Removal
- Preservation of Property
- Collapse
- Business Income - Actual Loss Sustained
- Extra Expense
- Certain Pollutant Clean Up and Removal Costs
- Business Personal Property Seasonal Increase
Some of the standard liability coverages include:
- Products/Completed Operations Aggregate
- Fire Legal Liability
- Employees as insureds in course of business
- Liability assumed through insured-signed contracts
- Host Liquor Liability
The following coverages are included in your policy at the specified limits (they cannot be deleted or increased):
- Spoilage Due to Power Outage - $25,000
- Backup of Sewers, Drains or Sumps - $5,000
- Forgery and Alteration - $5,000
- Personal Property Temporarily Off Premises - $15,000
- Business Personal Property at Fairs or Exhibitions - $15,000
- Salesperson's Samples - $2,500
- Fine Arts (Unscheduled) - $5,000 (note: a Fine Arts Floater is also available for higher limits and requires a schedule.)
- Newly Acquired Buildings
- Newly Acquired Business Personal Property
- Tenants Building Glass by Lease
- Transit - $15,000
- Identity Theft Expense
Custom coverages - Creating the perfect fit
We don't just provide standard coverages and expect them to cover all businesses. Our program offers customized, optional coverages.
Add any of these options to your policy:
- Employee Benefit Liability
- Employee Dishonesty
- Equipment Breakdown
- Umbrella
Your Policy
The policy features a fixed blanket limit of $100,000 per loss, which can be allocated among any combination of the coverages provided. If you purchase extended coverage within any of the coverage categories, the blanket limit applies in addition to the amount you've purchased.
These coverages include:
- Computer
- Accounts Receivable
- Arson Reward
- Cost to Prepare Inventory
- Fire Department Service Charge
- Personal Effects
- Property of Others
- Valuable Papers
- Rental Office Business Personal Property
- Recharging of fire extinguishers
- Utilities Services Direct Damage
Every policy comes with a broad range of standard coverages and limits, convenient payment plan options, and opportunities to save. And, you'll begin to save immediately on your policy premium if you have been claims- free for the prior year.
Just for Self Storage Operators - All of the quality policy coverage and options are provided, along with some specific coverage options sought by professional Self Storage operations:
Customer Goods Legal Liability
This coverage can be written with limits up to $500,000 and pays if you become legally liable for property damage to your customer's possessions stored in your facility.
Sale and Disposal Liability
Written with limits up to $500,000, this coverage will pay if you become legally liable for selling, removing, or otherwise disposing of or blocking access to property left in your storage facility in your attempt to reclaim rental space when fees are delinquent.
- Any warehouse buildings used principally for self-storage of customers' goods, not to exceed three stories and 300,000 sq. ft. in perimeter for the location.
- Buildings with any percentage of occupants other than self-storage and related offices are not eligible.
- Buildings at a single location can be blanketed.